COVID-19 and Respiratory Illness Information for Schools, Child Cares and Families
Last Edited/Reviewed: August 29, 2024
Complete the
if you have any symptoms of illness or tested positive for COVID-19
You can also complete the assessment tool on behalf of a student, child or someone else.
If your child is sick, they should stay home until they can pass the assessment tool.
If you do not pass the self-assessment, read the webpage with your result thoroughly, as it will give you detailed instructions on what to do next including how long you may need to stay home for. Anyone who is sick or has any symptoms of illness, including those not listed in this screening tool, should stay home and seek assessment from their health care provider if needed.
As of November 2022 – Masking Update
Although masking is no longer mandated by the Ontario Government, we know that masking reduces the risk of spreading illness. The Chief Medical Officer of Health continues to strongly recommending that Ontarians wear a well-fitted mask in all indoor public settings, including in schools and in childcare settings. Wearing a mask, even if you are the only one, is an effective way to reduce the risk of getting infected.
Children aged two to five should only wear a mask with supervision if they can safely tolerate masking and can put it on and take it off (children under age 2 are exempt from wearing masks).
Young children under five years of age are most susceptible to respiratory viruses, and adults can transmit them.
- If you live in a household with a child aged 5 or under, any family member who has symptoms or is unwell should mask at home to protect the child from illness.
- Wearing a mask for all indoor social gatherings with friends and family is strongly encouraged to help keep young children and vulnerable populations healthy.
On This Page:
COVID-19 and Respiratory Illness Information for Schools
Peterborough Public Health works closely with school boards and school staff to promote a safe and healthy environment and to protect the broader community. The information below is to support school staff in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses.
COVID-19 Information for Child Care Operators
The information below is to support child care operators in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses.
COVID-19 Information for Families
COVID-19 Information for Schools
Health and Safety Measures
Resources prepared by Peterborough Public Health
- Child-Student with Symptoms – Sept 2022
- FRENCH_Child-Student with Symptoms – Sept 2022
- Helping Your Child Reduce the Spread of Illness
- Cough and Sneeze (Poster)
Reducing Disease Transmission
- Stay home if feeling unwell
- Classroom Ventilation – Peterborough Public Health is encouraging the use of outdoor classrooms and having windows open as often as possible if it is safe to do so to improve ventilation and reduce the transmission of COVID-19 and other illnesses.
- Testing – The Ministry run program providing free rapid antigen tests (RAT) ended on June 30, 2023. Community members will still be able to receive free RATs from Peterborough Public Health while supplies last. Information on RAT pick up is below:
- Location: 185 King Street, Peterborough on the 1st Floor
- Hours: Monday- Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
- If you have questions or would like to verify supply before coming, please call 705-743-1000, ext. 167
- Masking – Peterborough Public Health encourages individuals to assess their personal risk when determining whether or not to wear a mask. We encourage respectful, welcoming and inclusive environments for individuals who choose to wear, or not to wear, a mask within their school communities.
- Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette- Appropriate hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette should continue to be promoted and integrated throughout the school day.
- Vaccination – Vaccination against COVID-19 continues to be highly encouraged for eligible children and staff.
COVID-19 Information for Child Care Centres
Health and Safety Measures
Please see the Ministry website Ontario COVID-19 Health and Safety Measures for Child Care for the most up to date information about health and safety measures in child care centres.
- Management of Cases and Contacts of COVID-19 in Ontario
- Before and After School Programs Kindergarten to Grade 6: Policies and Guidelines for Schools Boards
Resources prepared by Peterborough Public Health
- Child-Student with Symptoms – Sept 2022
- FRENCH_Child-Student with Symptoms – Sept 2022
- Helping Your Child Reduce the Spread of Illness
- Cough and Sneeze (Poster)
- Reducing the Spread of Illness in Child Care- Oct 2022
Reducing Disease Transmission
- Stay home if feeling unwell
- Room Ventilation – Peterborough Public Health is encouraging the use of outdoor spaces and having windows open as often as possible if it is safe to do so to improve ventilation and reduce the transmission of COVID-19 and other illnesses.
- Testing –The Ministry run program providing free rapid antigen tests (RAT) ended June 30, 2023. Community members will still be able to receive free RATs from Peterborough Public Health while supplies last. Information on RAT pick up is below:
- Location: 185 King Street, Peterborough at the Client Services desk on the 3rd Floor
- Hours: Monday- Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
- If you have questions or would like to verify supply before coming, please call 705-743-1000, ext. 167
- Masking – Peterborough Public Health encourages individuals to assess their personal risk when determining whether or not to wear a mask. We encourage respectful, welcoming and inclusive environments for individuals who choose to wear, or not to wear, a mask within their child care centres communities.
- Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette- Appropriate hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette should continue to be promoted and integrated throughout the day.
- Vaccination – Vaccination against COVID-19 continues to be highly encouraged for eligible children and staff.
COVID-19 Information for Families
- Questions about using Rapid Antigen Tests and How to Interpret Results? See PPH Testing for COVID-19 webpage
Symptoms/Children Who are Ill
- Child-Student with Symptoms – Sept 2022
- FRENCH Child-Student with Symptoms – Sept 2022
- Helping Your Child Reduce the Spread of Illness
- Cough and Sneeze (Poster)
COVID-19 Vaccines
Vaccines are safe, effective and the best way to stay protected from COVID-19. They are an important tool to help to stop the spread of the virus and allow students and families to safely resume normal activities. For more information see:
- Peterborough Public Health Vaccine Info and Clinic Info
- COVID-19 vaccines for children and youth (
- Pain Management During Immunizations for Kids and Adolescents (
- To provide a better understanding of a person’s risk for getting myocarditis or pericarditis post vaccine, watch Dr. Salvaterra explain it in this video: What is myocarditis? Do you have questions about your child getting the COVID-19 vaccine? Scarborough Health Network has launched a Vaccine Consult Service (including COVID-19) to help answer those questions. Make an appointment to speak to a VAXFACTS+ clinician through a confidential phone consult:
Other routine vaccinations are also recommended in childhood? Please see PPH’s Immunization webpage for details.
Resources for Children
- Coronavirus: A Book for Children, (free download), published by Nosy Crow
- Coronavirus Indigenous Story for Children, (free download), Cree Health
- My Hero is You, (free storybook for children on COVID-19, in multiple languages)