Student Nutrition Programs are Running in Schools!

Written by Communications, September 28, 2021

Nutritious Food Will Be Served Regularly to Students

School staff and volunteers are excited to once again offer safe, nutritious meals and snacks to students as they settle into new school routines. The 50 local student nutrition programs supported by Food for Kids Peterborough and County follow COVID-19 public health safety measures and safe food handling/food safety requirements. Students are required to practice proper hand hygiene before and after accessing the food. Choices include whole fruit, sliced vegetables, whole grain muffins, and packaged cheese.

Nutrition programs are an important part of academic and personal success. “Nourished students learn and behave better”, explains Luisa Magalhaes, Registered Dietitian with Peterborough Public Health. “Water and a variety of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and protein foods help keep us healthy. This is even more important during a pandemic.” Growing evidence shows connections between healthy eating and positive mental health.

Last school year, Food for Kids worked with community partners to help feed hungry students. School food boxes with local produce and cheese fed at-school learners. Vulnerable families of school-age children received food baskets for at-home learners, grocery gift cards and fresh produce boxes.

Despite the challenging year, support from community and provincial donors was remarkable! Student Nutrition Programs fed hungry students each day with their help. Thank-you to our community’s 523 volunteers, dedicated school staff, and many generous donors and partners. Together, they ensured healthy food was available to local students during the 2020-2021 school year.

Food for Kids is looking forward to another great year of helping children start their school day with the nutrition they need to perform their best!

Donate/volunteer: or #foodforkidsptbo or @FoodForKidsPtbo


For further information, please contact:

Brittany Cadence

Communications Manager

705-743-1000, ext. 391