Board of Health Summary – January

Written by Comms Team, January 17, 2024

Elections & Committee Appointments 
The Board of Health approved the following Board of Health appointments for 2024: 

  • Board of Health Chairperson – Councillor Joy Lachica  
  • Board of Health Vice-Chairperson – Deputy Mayor Ron Black
  • Indigenous Health Advisory Circle: Councillor Dave Haacke, Councillor Kathryn Wilson, Councillor Nodin Knott, Mr. Paul Johnston  
  • Governance Committee: Warden Bonnie Clark, Mr. Dan Moloney, Dr. Ramesh Makhija, Deputy Mayor Ron Black.  
  • Stewardship Committee: Dr. Hans Stelzer, Councillor Kathryn Wilson, Councillor Keith Riel, Mayor Matthew Graham, Mr. Scott Baker 

Establishment of Honouraria for 2024 
The Board of Health approved a 2% increase in honourarium for eligible Board of Health members. This represents a total amount of $163 per meeting in 2024. The increase does not apply to members compensated by their respective municipal councils.  

Delegation: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Extended Ambient Air Sampling for Beryllium in Peterborough 
The Board of Health received a delegation from staff with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). CNSC staff provided a presentation outlining the collection of ambient air samples for beryllium in the vicinity of the BWXT facility, located at 1160 Monaghan Road. Beryllium is used in the manufacturing of fuel bundles used in CANDU nuclear reactors. Beryllium emissions are controlled using HEPA filters and are monitored from emission stacks located outside the Monaghan Road facility. Current emissions readings collected from 3 locations at the BWXT Peterborough facility show that concentrations are below provincial limits. Based on current levels, CNSC staff have concluded there is no risk to the environment or human health. CNSC will collect further samples later this year. A recording of the full presentation is available here.  

Sense & Nous – Merger Exploration Consultant Introduction and Q&A 
Tony Yu, principal consultant with the consulting firm Sense & Nous, introduced the Board of Health to the current merger feasibility study being undertaken by Peterborough Public Health and Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit. Drawing on of experience of previous mergers in the public health sector, Yu highlighted the key barriers and opportunities that could impact a decision to merge the two health units. As of January 10, Sense & Nous has completed the consultation and document review stage of the feasibility study. In February, the Board of Health will receive a copy of the report.  

Staff Report: PPH Indoor Air Quality Working Group – Status Update
Julie Bromley, Manager of Environmental Health, provided a status update on efforts to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) to protect and promote public health. This builds on a previous staff report received in January 2023 and subsequent advocacy to municipal and provincial governments for measures to improve IAQ via the building code. These efforts reflect increasing awareness and attention to the importance of IAQ for health, as well as the significant cost savings that can be realized by making improvements in this area.