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Immunization Of School Pupils Act/Child Care And Early Years Act

Peterborough Public Health is required by law to keep immunization records for all children in child care and schools.

Public Health reviews student immunization records to make sure that students have their immunization records up-to-date. Students who are missing required immunizations on their record, will receive a letter from Public Health to update this information.


By law, Public Health must have a record that shows students attending school have been immunized according to the Ontario immunization schedule. Under the Immunization of School Pupils Act, students under the age of 18 must provide proof of up-to-date immunizations against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, meningococcal, varicella (chickenpox), and pertussis (whooping cough) or a valid exemption.

Students whose immunization records are incomplete may be suspended from school if this information is not provided. Parents/guardians have the ability to view and update their child’s record using ICON. Please note that healthcare providers do not have an obligation to provide public health a record of your child’s immunizations. Parents/guardians are asked to provide immunization information to Peterborough Public Health. Click on the link at the bottom of the page to access ICON.

Child Care Centres

Attendees of Child Care Centres must be immunized according to the recommendations of the Medical Officer of Health according to the Child Care and Early Years Act. The Medical Officer of Health requires immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, meningococcal, varicella (chickenpox), and pertussis (whooping cough) or a valid exemption.

Children in child care centres whose immunization records are incomplete may be suspended from child care if this information is not provided. Parents/guardians have the ability to view and update their child’s record using ICON. Please note that healthcare providers do not have an obligation to provide public health a record of your child’s immunizations. Parents/guardians are asked to provide immunization information to Peterborough Public Health.

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